On the Record: Kenny Vaughan Interview

Hey Everyone! We are back with another interview, and this time it is with a master of the Telecaster, Mr. Kenny Vaughan!

Kenny was gracious enough to sit down with me and discuss his career, how he makes a living, his view on the current state of the industry, and so much more -- and stick around towards the end of the interview for some special "behind-the-scenes" chatting about some of Kenny's favorite gear!

A quick note about the gear talk at the end: I tend not to interject my own thoughts and opinions so much during interviews, but this was meant to be a more casual conversation after the wrap of the interview portion for the gear nuts out there. I apologize if you find my input distracting, and please understand that it is not the norm for regular interviews!

Also -- My apologies for some of the coloring issues in this video. We had some lighting that went eschew that was not caught until filming had wrapped!

00:00:00 - Main Interview

01:01:35 - Credits

01:02:09 - Skip to the Gear Talk!


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